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We undertake bird /ornithology surveys for nesting, breeding and wintering birds to support planning applications and construction.

Our Ornithologists can undertake pre-construction and construction phase surveys for:

  • Schedule 1 Specially Protected Birds.
  • Breeding birds (waders, raptors, divers, grouse, passerines).
  • Nesting birds (all nesting birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981).
  • Wintering and migrating species.
  • Vantage Point.
  • Collision Risk Modelling (CRM).
  • Transect and Territory Mapping.

If bird nests or schedule 1 birds are found on site we can help with mitigation and monitoring plans.

Bird Surveys - Related Services

Ecological Surveys - Related Services

To find out more about how Mabbett can work with you, please get in touch.

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