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We undertake ecological baseline surveys for ornithological and protected species receptors, as well as habitats which could be affected a proposed construction project. Based on the outcome we prepare the required reports for submission to the planning authorities or stakeholders.

Do you need an ecology or ornithology survey?

Our ecology and ornithology services include:

  • Input to Feasibility and Scoping studies.
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA).
  • Consultation with statutory consultees.
  • Protected Species Surveys  for Bats; Otters and Water vole; Badger; Dormouse; Pine marten and Scottish wildcat; Red squirrel; Reptiles and amphibians such as great crested newt; Insects, and Aquatic species (fish and freshwater pearl mussel).
  • Bird Surveys for Schedule 1 Specially Protected Birds; Breeding birds (waders, raptors, divers, grouse, passerines); Wintering and migrating species, and Vantage Point Surveys and collision risk modelling (CRM).
  • Habitat Surveys for Phase 1 Habitat/UK Habitat classifications; National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys, and Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystem (GWDTE) surveys.
  • Preparation of Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) or Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs) including: Bat Preliminary Roost assessments (PRAs); Technical EcIA report chapters, and EIA report appendices and drawings.
  • Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the most highly protected species and sites.
  • Full GIS (Geographic Information System) capability in-house with ArcGIS and QGIS.

Potential environmental impacts of proposed developments need to be assessed and, depending on the scale of the project, may require full Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) or, for small projects, scaled down Environmental Appraisals.

Ecological Surveys - Related Services

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